Backend, how to deactivate plugins on specific backend pages

Under the menu item Backend you will find the links to the settings pages:

  • Backend Singles
  • Backend URLs

Disable plugins in the backend.

Backend Singles gives you the possibility to disable the plugins that you don’t need on some backend pages.

Click on the plus icon to click the actions panel. Clicking the icon that is highlighted in the picture FDP will suggest to you all the plugins that are not used on that page. The auto-suggestion of unused plugins in the backend s available also in the free version.

For PRO users it will be possible to have an automatic suggestion for all the backend pages without the need to click every time on the icon for each page.

Before saving click on the lens icon to see the preview of the page. If it’s all ok, save the changes.

Disabling unused plugins on the backend pages can make a big difference in terms of performance for the backend, but of course, where you disable a specific plugin, WordPress will not be able to add the admin menu items introduced by that plugin.

Freesoul Deactivate Plugins will build the entire admin menu and print it also on the pages where not all the plugins are active, without missing any admin menu item.

Watch the following video to see how you can optimize the backend with FDP.

Disable plugins in the Backend with Custom URLs.

In the Backend URLs settings page, you can disable the unused plugins for all the backend pages that match the custom URLs that you set.

Use the star “*” as a replacement for groups of characters.

E.g.*example/ will match URLs as,…

You can use these options to disable plugins by URL query arguments. E.g. *?example-paramameter=true* will match URLs as,…

Disable plugins in the Backend Everywhere (PRO)

On the Backend Everywhere settings page, you can disable the unused plugins for all the backend pages. The plugins that you disable here will not run in the backend.

If you have some plugins that should never run in the backend, use this option.