General bloat

In Freesoul Deactivate Plugins => Settings => Core bloat, you can disable some features that WordPress adds, but that many times a common website doesn’t need.

This feature is available only for PRO users.

You can disable:

  • Really Simple Discovery link
  • Generator meta tag
  • Window Live Writer link
  • REST API link tag into the page header
  • Link header for the REST API
  • S.W.ORG DNS prefetch
  • Rest API non-logged users
  • Heartbeat
  • Gutenberg
  • WP Cron
  • Autosave
  • Google Fonts
  • JQuery in header (it will be moved to the footer where possible)
  • jQuery migrate
  • Emoji
  • Cart fragments (if WooCommerce is active)

Uncheck the features that you don’t need on your website.