Firing order

In Freesoul Deactivate Plugins => Settings => Firing Order, you can change the firing order of the plugins.

If you want that a specific plugin runs before another plugin, drag and move it before that plugin, and then save the new firing order settings.
But be careful, use this feature if you really don’t have cleaner solutions.
Well-coded plugins always use the hooks provided by WordPress to run code in the desired order.
If you have all well-coded plugins, you will never need this feature.
If you save a different firing order, take also into account that next time you activate. a new plugin you will need to change and save again the desired firing order.
Honestly, this feature is provided just for completeness because Freesoul Deactivate Plugins proclaims itself as a plugin manager, but you should always find a cleaner way to run code in a different order, including informing the authors of the plugins that don’t work if the firing order is not changed.