Action buttons

Disable plugin on all single posts.

Disable plugins on all single posts
Disable plugin on all single posts

Clicking on the Plugin Icon you can disable the related plugin on all posts

Disable all plugins on single post.

Disable all plugins on a single post
Disable all plugins on a single post

Clicking on the checkbox you can disable all plugins on the row.

Check on which posts you can disable a specific plugin (only for PRO users).

Suggest posts where plugins is used

Going with your mouse on a plugin name, you will see the button to suggest the posts where you can disable that plugin.

Action buttons on rows.

Action buttons

Going with your mouse on the single post names you will see some action buttons as shown in the picture above.

In the following table, you have a short explanation for each button.

ID Button Description Free version PRO version
1 Edit single post. Yes Yes
2 Check single post disabling plugins according to the saved options. Yes Yes
3 Check which plugins are really disabled according to the saved options. Yes Yes
4 Check the page loading a different page (only for preview). Yes Yes
5 Check the page disabling the plugins in preview mode. Yes Yes
6 Check the page disabling the plugins in preview mode and show the PHP files called loading the page. Yes Yes
7 Check the page disabling the plugins in preview mode and disabling the execution of JavaScript. Yes Yes
8 Check the performance with Google Page Speed Insights loading the enabled plugins. Yes Yes
9 Invert selection enabled/disabled plugins Yes Yes
10   Copy row settings. Yes Yes
11 Paste row settings Yes Yes
12 Paste settings from post type Yes
13 Suggest the used plugins for the single post. Yes
14 Suggest the used plugins for the single post and continue the process on the next posts Yes
15 Show hooks loading the enabled plugins. Yes
16 Unload stylesheets. Yes
17 Unload scripts. Yes
18 Test the post with GTMetrix and add the results to the report. Yes
19 Test post with Google PSI Mobile and add the results to the report. Yes
20 Test post with Google PSI Desktop and add the results to the report. Yes