Preliminary tests for Freesoul Deactivate Plugins.

  • Coding standard check with PHP Code Sniffer and WordPress Coding Standards
    • Enter the command vendor/bin/phpcs –standard=WordPress freesoul-deactivate-plugins
    • Read the report
    • Confirm there are no unescaped or unsanitized data
  • PHP warnings and errors check on installation with the last stable PHP version, only FDP and FDP Unit Test installed
    • Enable the debug in wp-config.php
    • Activate FDP Unit Test
    • Go to Freesoul Deactivate Plugins => Plugins Manager
    • Click on Test FDP
    • Wait until the spinner stops
    • Check the PHP warnings and errors
  • Click on Singles
  • Click on Simulate N Plugins
  • Slide the columns
  • Click on the plugin filters
  • Open the actions buttons bar by clicking on the plus symbol
  • Test all the buttons
  • Go with your mouse over all the buttons and check the tooltip
  • Disable an entire row by clicking on the row switch, save, and refresh the page to confirm the row stays disabled after saving
  • Enable an entire row by clicking on the row switch, save, and refresh the page to confirm the row stays disabled after saving
  • Disable a plugin, save, and refresh the page to confirm the plugin stays disabled after saving
  • Click on a question mark to confirm the popup shows the same disabled plugins that are disabled on the row after saving the settings.
  • Go to every FDP settings page, change something, save, refresh the page, and confirm the changes were saved.
  • PHP warnings and errors check on installation with the last stable PHP version, FDPFDP Unit Test, and popular plugins active.
    • Repeat the procedure with FDP Unit Test described before, but on an installation where the 20 most popular plugins are active.
      refer to this page to know which plugins to install
  • Activation, deactivation, upgrading
    • Delete the file wp-content/mu-plugins/eos-deactivate-plugins.php
    • Deactivate FDP
    • Activate FDP
    • Check the re-generation of the file wp-content/mu-plugins.php